DXN Farm – biggest ganoderma farm in the world!
Daxen’s International headquarter has a 30 acre Ganoderma farms located at Bukit Wang, Malaysia and a10 acre farm at Bukit Pinang in Kedah, Malaysia. Both farms are equipped with the most advanced cultivation technology to cultivate the best quality Ganoderma, and most modern laboratories to perform experiments to further advance Ganoderma growth, production and packaging quality.
Daxen’s farms are located in areas with warm and humid climate, far from heavily populated areas or pollution to provide the most suitable environment for Ganoderma growth. The farm has lean water (pH maintain between 7 to 7.8) and fresh air to ensure Ganoderma does not contain any toxin.
Daxen’s International headquarter has exclusively developed several advanced cultivation techniques to produce the best quality crop in less time. DXN Ganoderma grown on Daxen farms take only 3 months to harvest compared to other countries which require 6 months or even longer. These methods not only advances our capability to increase production of top quality Ganoderma crop, but also meet our escalating demand worldwide for DXN products.
Daxen Farm uses Organic Cultivation Method with ALL-natural material such as rice chaff and saw dust instead of traditional fertilizer, insecticide or hormone. This specialized cultivation method provides 200 kinds of primary and secondary elements, such as enzyme, coenzyme, amino acid, vitamins, carbohydrate and trace elements, to improve Ganoderma crop’s quality, quantity, growth and resistance to pest.
Daxen Farm also uses Tissue Culture Method, which can reproduce one million pieces of Ganoderma out from a single mother plant. From every mass crop growth, a tedious selection process is implemented to identify the best quality Ganoderma for DXN products.
Daxen Farm also utilizes Suspension Arrangement Method to ensure quality growth stages of our Ganoderma crop, avoid the invasion of unwanted material into the Ganoderma.
DXN Farm in considered the largest Lingzhi farm in Southeast Asia. The organic farming methods incorporated by DXN has prevents damage to the environment, thus becoming the first lingzhi farm in Malaysia to receive the ISO 14001 certification and Organic Farming Certificate.
The company and the distributors single-mindedly concentrate on doing DXN business.
Ganoderma cultivation
The DXN Ganoderma farm is well recognized for its unique traits in the cultivation of its high quality Ganoderma.
These distinctions are the following:
- Suitable Climate – Warm and humid environment, with temperatures ranging from 26oC to 27oC.
- Clean Water – with pH maintained between 7.0 and 7.9.
- Fresh Air – the farms are located away from the populated and polluted areas to ensure that our products are free from toxins.
- Organic Cultivation – natural materials such as rice chaff and sawdust are used instead of fertiliser, insecticide and steroid. This method produces more than 200 kinds of primary and secondary elements such as enzyme, coenzyme, amino acid, vitamins, carbohydrate and other trace elements which help to improve the crop’s quality, quantity, growth and resistance to pests.
- Tissue Culture Method – one million pieces of Ganoderma are produced from a highest quality single mother plant.
- Suspension Arrangement Method – used to avoid the pervasion of unwanted ingredients into the Ganoderma, thus the growth and quality of Ganoderma are assured.
The DXN Linghzi farm occupies a 70 hectare property which is the largest Linghzi farm in Malaysia and the first Malaysian Linghzi farm to receive an MS ISO 14001:2004 certificationfrom Lloyd´s Register Quality Assurance since July 2000. This ensures that all activities for cultivating the Ganoderma are met with MS ISO 14001;2004 standards and comply with the legal requirements set forth by the department of the environment.
In November of 2007, the DXN Linghzi farm was accredited by the Malaysian Organic Scheme ( Skim Organik Malaysia) certification by the department of agriculture, peninsular Malaysia (Jabatan Pertanian Semenanjung Malaysia) which meets the Standards of MS 1529:2001 certified Organic Farm.
The DXN pharmaceutical factory occupies and area of over 34,000 Square Meters and is equipped with state of the art technologies for the processing of the Ganoderma. This factory if the first of its kind in Malaysia that has been granted the TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration) certification from the ministry of health and Aging Australia and is also accredited with MS ISO 9001:2000 certifications from the Lloyd’s Register of Quality assurance since September of 1999. It is also amongst the first companies to receive the GMP (Good Manufacturing practice) certification from the national Pharmaceutical control bureau and the ministry of health in Malaysia.
The two DXN coffee processing factories have a total manufacturing area of over 42,000 Square Meters which include modern facilities for the manufacturing of complete line of food and beverage ranges.
DXN’s newly established manufacturing facility which houses it’s cosmetic, Juice and Enzyme factories have all been accredited the GMP certificate from the national pharmaceutical control board and the ministry of health in 2007. The factory and its accumulated administrative offices have a total area of over 70,000 Square meters.
DXN Marketing is the first MLM company in the world to launch its “One World, One Market” concept which enables distributors from any country to directly sponsor new distributors either locally or internationally. DXN is also Malaysia’s leading MLM exporter.
Research and Development is DXN’s mission when it comes to securing the highest quality for all its products. The concentrated efforts of DXN in research and development have continuously led the company to manufacture products with highest international standard and as natural to its origin as possible.
On July 17, 2006, the Laboratory Department of DXN Holdings Bhd. has been accorded MS ISO/IEC 17025 Certificate of Accreditation for its technical competence, defined scope and operation of a laboratory quality management system.
Research and development also emphasizes DXN´s long term commitment of placing top priority on environmentally-friendly practices and human health in every stage of production.